View Profile Tystarr

Age 35, Male

Graphic Designer


Brooklyn NY

Joined on 8/23/04

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Tystarr's News

Posted by Tystarr - September 27th, 2009

It has been a long time since I made a news post, mainly because I see no reason to post if my news isn't published on the front page. People do come to this page though so I might as well keep it relevant and updated somewhat.

Sooo I have a lot of projects .....

- www.IchaseDollars.com is a site I designed and upkeep... ummmm..

- www.TwistedComix.com is up and running, putting a new comment system soon..But the store is open so go buy something!

- Aaaand new animations to hit NG before Christmas!

- and a whole 'nother ton of thangs I just can't show anyone yet.

Okay, thats it.. buh bye now.

Download for FREE
Cha$e Dollar$ "The PaperChase" only at www.iChaseDollars.com

Just had to make a new post since the last was so old.

Posted by Tystarr - February 27th, 2009

It may be weeks since the New York Comic Con but I still had to post the news of what went down. This year I had a table (well half a table) and I stayed there the whole weekend promoting my rarely updated but still hilarious webcomic, Twisted Comix! If you didn't know there is a exclusive Twisted Comix page in Hans' One Shot Comic book!! So back to Comic Con.. I met SOOOOOOO many cool people. Including the editor for this cool site, www.Poptimal.com. Check the lil advert thingy they asked me to do. lol I look and sound stupid, I know.

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Oh wellz.. at least it was an experience. I did a few interviews including the one for this cool documentary by Nathan. Check out his page for more info on that. I had to shout out Yung Jazz and Mindchamber and I think Buzzwerd too.. Just some real cool artists that keep me inspired and interested in the flash movement.

Speaking of Mindchamber; MC, Luis and El Presidente came by my table with some cool NG shwag and goodluck wishes. Thankz guyz.

I also signed autographs (lol me?) and gave out HUGE amounts of free stickers and buttons.
Besides slavin' at my table for the whole weekend I walked around the con and got tons of free stuff from comics to t shirts. Too bad I didn't get to take pix with the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles.

*Fun Fact: I didn't sleep Saturday night so I did the whole Sunday alone working off of zero hours of sleep and I also brought my lil cousins along with me that day. Yeah, you got it. I love punishing myself.

If you seen me at the con or brought a copy of One shot from the store be sure to leave a comment here. I like those.

New York Comic Con 09!

Posted by Tystarr - January 7th, 2009

So many collabs and so little time.
The Dark Knight Collab
-Created Menu
-Leader of Collab left..

The Newgrounds Collab
-Animatic incomplete
-Progress is pretty slow

-Haven't thought of a funny joke yet...

The StreetFighter Collab
-Haven't started animating yet..

The Jon Foreman - In My Arms Collab
-Just signed up today.
-Prtty easy going

Oh and the Metropolis Disaster - Art Collab
That I plan to make two pics for.

How the hell am I going to finish all of this before the end of my break and still prepare for Comic Con?? Lets not forget updating Comic strips and makin websites for ppl..Sheesh..

If I get these all done y'all can call me the Prince of the Portal. LMAO


Posted by Tystarr - December 13th, 2008

So right about now I'm in the beginning process of heavily promoting my webcomic,"Twisted Comix" since the NY Comic Con I'm attending is less than two months away. I had a few crazy ideas and I'm already starting on bunch.

First I really wanted to have small buttons you could wear or pin to stuff. I get those on Monday and I will be sure to post up the pics of them when I receive them.

Second, I had an idea to have alifesize cardboard cut out of the main character from my comic. Right now its a work in progress but its coming together slowly but surely.

I also wanted to have postcards I could hand out with Twisted Comix art and info on them but I had considered asking some awesome artists I know (*wink WINK*) to lend me their talents but that would kinda ruin the whole purpose of people getting familiar with the look of TwistedComix soo I have y'all planned for something else.. MUAH HAHAHA HA

The stickers I will try to get too if my money is right I don't know yet..

Then I'm off to webland where I should do some guest comics for comics I like. In addition to paying for more ads online and finishing all of my promotional art.

Before I do a lot of this stuff though I need to know if I should change up site. I'm thinking of doing it over but I don't know if thats just me being a stubborn artists who strives for perfection or if it really needs a do-over.

I might just make lil changes to the site and finally finish and add to some pages which brings me to ....
WALLPAPERS. I will ask some of y'all when the time is right for some cool Twisted Comix art cause some of y'all mofos owe me already, you know who you are. lol.

Besides all that other stuff I just said I'm also being published in the school paper, I have my comic strips posted up in a gallery in Manhattan being auctioned off, Twisted Comix will make a guest appearance in Newground's coolest art collaboration, "The NG sketchbook Tour 08'" and finally, probably the coolest thing EVER...Twisted Comix has a page in an actual factual Comic BOOK!! When thats published I will be sure to directing y'all towards that!

So hey read all of that if ya can cuz I need y'allz opinions. I just want Twisted Comix to be worthy of all this promotion.


Posted by Tystarr - November 4th, 2008

Y'all don't know the feelings I have right now.. Maybe these songs can give you a lil insight.

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Obama won??

Posted by Tystarr - October 25th, 2008

Its weird seeing ppl actually take note of my entry in the Blamformers collab and leave postive comments about it. I love the collab but I always thought of my submission as one of the weaker clips but people actually point it out in there comments.
I just read one now and its just a MAJOR ego booster.
"only a few, tystarr, mindchamber, and stamper actually made me crack up. the rest were either total crap or they werent that funny. it would be 9/10 or 10/10 but the not so good vids made it go down to a 7"

To me thats crazy! Somebody mentioned my name along with my favorite artists!!
There was so much behind my short clip and I just want to share some info that you would have never known unless I told you. Like the fact that I didn't even submit the idea I originally had which luckily I didn't because it involved basketball playing transformers! I had to teach my friend how to record on her mac while she miles away to do the girl's voice and she really came through for me. The ludacris part worried me too because I know a lot of Ng'ers hate rap.

I wouldn't have even made this post if I haven't noticed that more than one person singled my part out.

"tystarr's made me laugh so much"

This really makes me want to finish all these half done animation projects sitting on my hard drive. One day though..One day..

I can do way better nowadays..


Posted by Tystarr - August 9th, 2008

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Posted by Tystarr - August 1st, 2008

Hey guys check out the new comic posted up on Twistedcomix.com and stay posted because theres going to be full updated every wednesday and Friday this whole august. Holla!

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Just had to add something funny..

Posted by Tystarr - July 6th, 2008

Will Smith +Super Hero = Great Movie.
Go See it. NOW!

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After actually seeing the film... its pretty sub-par.... eh/...

Posted by Tystarr - May 17th, 2008

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What do y'all think?