Starting 1 hr - Comedy
Behind 33 minutes - Tragedy
I've watched it, it's pretty funny and cool.
Like the bad guy with both hands chopped off.
"Call me an asshole... one more time"
Michelle flies up.
"call me an asshole... one more time"
Robber's hand got chopped off.
"Call me crazy... one more time"
"Oh now your gonna hit me with a damn truck!"
Starting 1 hr - Comedy
Behind 33 minutes - Tragedy
I've watched it, it's pretty funny and cool.
Like the bad guy with both hands chopped off.
"Call me an asshole... one more time"
Michelle flies up.
"call me an asshole... one more time"
Robber's hand got chopped off.
"Call me crazy... one more time"
"Oh now your gonna hit me with a damn truck!"